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HIV Service Locator

HIV Self-Test Mailed to Your Idaho Residence

Must be 18-Years of Age




















Order Form

If You do not Have Insurance but are Interested in getting PrEP a one a day medication to prevent HIV, click on the image below. 

Online Pharmacy for PrEP and Doxy PEP

If You do not Have Insurance and Want PrEP Confidentially Delivered to Your Residence, try out Telerx. 

TelyRX makes it easy to get a prescription 100% online without insurance. With TelyRx, you can expect absolute privacy, unparalleled convenience, and swift service, and it only takes a few minutes to get a doctor's prescription. 
Click on the image below. 

Online Pharmacy for PrEP

Do You Want an Online Support Group That You Can Access 24/7?
ShareWell offers peer-to-peer support groups on such topics as mental health conditions, addiction, relationships, identity, living with chronic conditions to name just a few. 
Click on the image below. 

Mental Health Online Support Groups Link

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